Massage Table Set Up and Maintenance: Tips for Maintaining Your Massage Table

As a massage therapist, your massage table is your trusty sidekick: at your side every day, helping you fight the scourge of aches and pains, saving you from unnecessary stress, and making sure you always come out with your good rep intact!
The last thing you’d ever want is for your massage table to let you or your clients down (literally). So it’s only fair that you return the favour by treating your massage table right, giving it the proper TLC it needs to stick with you and keep performing at its best for the long term. Professional massage table maintenance will ensure your valued sidekick enjoys a long and happy life and keeps your clients satisfied with the high-quality experience they’ve come to expect.
Even though you probably wish you could take a quick nap on your table after a heavy massage session, don’t worry—maintaining your table is simple and doesn’t take too much elbow grease.
In this guide we’ll cover all the practical guidelines and tips you need for proper massage table set-up and massage table care, from cleaning and maintenance of the frame and upholstery, to protecting your table during transportation.
By following these quick practical tips and sticking to a regular maintenance schedule, you’ll only add a few minutes’ work to each session, but you’ll be significantly extending the lifespan of your massage table, meaning you, your clients and your business can keep reaping all the benefits for years to come.

massage therapist with client

Massage table set-up

The last thing you want is a table that’s uncomfortable for you to work on, or one that wobbles or, God forbid, collapses under a client! Setting up your table properly is crucial to ensure your own comfort, efficiency and wellbeing as you work, as well as making sure your clients are comfortable and safe during sessions.

Follow these step-by-step instructions to safely set up your massage table:

1. First, make sure you have a level, clutter-free surface on which to set up your table, with sufficient space for you to move around the table to comfortably reach your client and work with ease. (If you are travelling to a client’s home, a practice or any other venue, it might be worth the extra effort to visit the place before you start work there, particularly if it’s going to be a regular working location. Check that the place where you will be setting up meets your needs and has some privacy, if necessary.)
2. Unfold the table and lock the legs securely in place, fully tightening the knobs. Make sure that the table is stable and stands solid and secure.
3. Adjust the height of the table to ensure a comfortable working height for you (adjustment mechanisms will depend on your table model, so be sure you’ve familiarised yourself with any specifics). Have a footstool available to ensure clients can get on and off the table easily.
4. Adjust the headrest (or face cradle) positioning to relieve strain on your client’s back and neck and minimise pressure on their face. The angle of the headrest should match the natural curve of the back, neck and head. Experiment with this yourself, on the table. When the client is in position, communicate until the best position is achieved. The width of the headrest pad (which usually attaches with Velcro) can also be adjusted to fit the face.  Adjust until you find that sweet spot!
5. If your table has adjustable armrests or side extensions, or you use bolsters or pillows for back, knees or ankles, make sure these are also in a position that is best for your client.
6. Cover the table surface and face cradle with a fitted massage sheet. Smooth out any wrinkles and creases to provide protection for your equipment and maximum comfort for your client. Prepare heating pads or hot towel warmers in advance.

person with cleaning materials

Massage Table Maintenance: Cleaning and Disinfecting Massage Tables

The formula to keep your massage table clean and hygienic is simple: cleanse after each session and disinfect once a week. You don’t want your table and linens to become a health hazard, spreading bacteria and germs. Oils, lotions and sweat can permeate covers and seep into seams, cushioning and upholstery fabric, so be thorough with cleaning, and be sure to change towels and sheets between clients to avoid spreading bacteria and germs.

Here are some guidelines to follow for cleaning and disinfecting your massage table:

* After each session:

1. Remove any linens, covers, bolsters and accessories and launder or clean separately.
2. Wipe the entire table surface with a damp cloth and a mixture of mild liquid soap (10%) and water (90%) in a 1:10 solution. Then rinse with plain water and dry, before replacing any covers.

* Once a week:

1. Wash the table between sessions and disinfect all surfaces. For tougher stains use a 1:10 solution of bleach and water. Pay careful attention to seams and cushioning, where cleaning residue may gather. Always rinse after cleaning, with a damp cloth with plain water, and dry surfaces before adding covers or storing the table. Pay special attention to hinges and other moving parts of adjustable legs, as these need to be thoroughly dried after cleaning to avoid rust.
2. Oil wooden frames to keep the wood in optimal condition.
3. Oil moving parts to keep them functioning smoothly and avoid rust.
4. Wipe down all parts of the table, such as legs and accessories, at least once a week, even if the table hasn’t been in use much.

person with latex gloves

Maintaining massage table upholstery

The upholstery on your massage table is the closest point of contact for your clients, and the part that’s most likely to suffer damage and wear and tear.  You can extend the lifespan of the upholstery with regular cleaning and taking measures to protect the upholstery during and after sessions.

The most important aspect of maintaining the upholstery on your massage table is to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for care and cleaning. The type of material used will vary depending on the make, so be sure you aren’t using an inappropriate cleaning solution for the particular upholstery material, as this may damage the upholstery and void your warranty. In particular, be wary of cleansers and disinfectants that include alcohol or citrus products, if the manufacturer’s guide states that these may be harmful. Don’t experiment with unknown cleaning products, as these may cause irreversible damage.

Here are some general tips on caring for different types of upholstery:

1. Vinyl: wipe down with a damp cloth and mild soap solution. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or harsh chemicals as vinyl can easily crack or be scratched or damaged over time.
2. Genuine or Synthetic Leather: use a specialized leather cleaner and conditioner to clean, moisturize and maintain. Water and harsh chemicals may damage the leather.
3. Polyester or Microfibre: Use a gentle fabric cleaner. Don’t use beach or fabric softener as these may damage the fibres.

You should also be sure to protect the upholstery from oil, lotions and other stains by using table warmers or covers.
If your table has a face cradle, it can be a good idea to alternate it between different ends of the table to alternate the pressure points on the table and lessen wear and tear (a little like flipping a mattress!).
Extending the lifespan of your massage table: Inspecting your table

To extend the lifespan of your massage table you should give it a thorough inspection on a regular basis. After all, prevention is better than cure, and repair is usually cheaper than replacement. Regular inspection of various parts of your table will reveal any repair work that needs to be done in time to avoid having to replace the table, which would cost a lot more.
A good time to carry out regular inspections is when you do your weekly disinfecting of the table. (Also be sure to listen out for any tell-tale creaks and groans during sessions with your clients!)

Remember to include the following points in your inspection:

1. Check the frame for any cracks, bends, frayed cables, metal fatigue or other problems.
2. Inspect the legs and hardware for signs of wear or looseness. Tighten any loose screws, bolts or knobs and make sure that the legs are straight and secure. This should be done every day.
3. Also check the attachments, such as the face cradle or armrests for damage or wear.
4. Examine the upholstery for any tears, stains or other damage.

Make sure that any damaged parts are repaired or replaced early before they deteriorate further and repairs become more expensive. Worn out upholstery can be replaced and the table can be recovered with table pads and protective covers. Many manufacturers provide servicing and repairs of their products, or you can go to a professional for help. Well maintained equipment will make a better impression and show that you value both your work and your clients.

Protecting your portable massage table during transportation

Even though it may be tempting to lob your massage table, unprotected, into the boot of your car to save time and effort, this is one of the worst things you can do to your table. Exposing the table frame and its valuable upholstery to extreme temperature changes can cause a lot of harm.
Protecting the table during transportation is also important to prevent dings, scratches and damage to the upholstery.

Remember the following pointers when travelling with your massage table:

1. Use a carrying case or bag during transportation to protect the massage table from scratches, bumps, rips and tears.
2. If necessary, place something next to the table or secure it with a strap to avoid it falling or sliding around during transport.
3. Store the table in a dry, cool place when it is not in use to prevent damage from moisture, heat or sunlight. Make sure that it is stored in its carry bag, or alternative suitable packaging.

As with many things in life, it really is true of massage tables that you will get out as much as you put in. If you care for your table by cleaning, maintaining and protecting it following the tips and guidelines above, it will give you years of good service. It pays to keep your table in top condition so that you can give your clients the security and comfort they need, to keep them in top condition too—they’ll be sure to thank you, and likely tell their friends too!

Spa Massage Bed – 2-Section – Sage

Looking to buy a low maintenance massage table online in South Africa?

Of course, no massage table lasts forever, and maybe it’s time to upgrade yours! If you’re a massage therapist on the go, look no further than Massage Warehouse for the best value for money in affordable, high quality portable massage beds.
Our modern range of wooden and aluminium deluxe massage tables are manufactured with top quality German-imported materials, featuring comforting high-density foam, a high strength steel cable system, and super-durable PVC leather. Our tables are lightweight for easy transport and support a working weight of up to 270kg.
View our range of exceptional portable massage beds and order online for nationwide delivery to your home, spa, or business.

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